Reffing Responsibilities
I know when
you read the title of this you probably want to skip it but if you play
volleyball at any level you are going to have to learn how to ref sometime. Reffing
is not that bad you just have to pay attention and know what signs go with what
calls. In this blog I will just briefly go over what each official is in charge
of during the game. I will go over what signs and actions need to be done for
each in a different blog.
volleyball there is an up ref, a down ref, 2 line judges, a score keeper, a
libero tracker, and a person that does the score sheet. If you are an up ref
you are responsible for whistling when a play can begin and when the play ends.
You also look for any net violations, double contacts, and lifts. If you are
the down ref you are responsible for watching for overlapping in both team’s
line-ups, any center line violations, and both teams substitution requests. If
you are a line judge you are responsible for foot faults during a serve,
signaling if a ball is in or out, determining if there was a touch on the ball
from the block and if the ball is on the correct side of the antenna.
libero trackers and the person that is going to do the score sheet all sit at a
table usually behind the down ref. If you are a score keeper your job is pretty
self-explanatory, you just flip the points to the correct side. But be aware if
you are even a point off you will hear it from all of the parents but just
ignore them and check with the score sheet. If you are libero tracking you are
responsible for writing down when the libero comes in and out and who they go
in or out for. You also write down the other subs that come in and go out for
both teams. If you are doing the score sheet you are responsible for writing
down the line up, scores, subs, timeouts, and any penalties that occur during
the match.
Word Count: 366